Ecologist | Modeller | Ocean enthusiast

Henrik H. Jessen

Using quantitative methods to understand and predict natural systems.

I am a Danish biologist, specialized in aquatic ecosystems. In the course of my work, I developed an interest in quantitative methods, particularly mechanistic modelling, which I am now looking to apply to a wider range of natural data.


  • Jessen et al. 2023. Life-history evolution in response to foraging risk, modelled for Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua). Ecological Modelling 482. 110378.

  • Jessen et al. 2019. Dietary differences among commercially important fishes in Lake Tanganyika assessed using stable isotope analysis. Journal of Great Lakes Research 45(6). 1205-1214.


  • 2023     Poster - Effects of Climate Change on the Worlds Oceans. Evolution of Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) in response to concurrent fisheries and climate stressors.

  • 2022     Presenter - European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Life-history evolution in response to foraging risk, modelled for Northeast Arctic Cod (Gadus morhua).

  • 2022     Presenter - European Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology. Interactions of fisheries and climate stressors and their consequences for evolution of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua).

  • 2021     Keynote speaker - World Fisheries Congress 2021. Evolutionary responses of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) to concurrent fisheries and climate stressors.

  • 2019     Participant - FAO International Symposium on Fisheries Sustainability: Strengthening the Science-Policy Nexus.

Research background

  • PhD at the University of Bergen
    Individual based modelling of eco-evolutionary processes, teaching, supervision, and supplemental courses in pedagogy, communication, ethics and sustainable development policy.

  • MSC in Biology at Aarhus University
    Specialized in aquatic ecology. Included 3 months of interdisciplinary fieldwork in western Tanzania, working with stakeholder and managers to secure sustainable fishing in Lake Tanganyika.

  • BSC in Biology at Aarhus University
    General biology, including supplementary courses within multivariate analysis, GIS, chemistry and physics.

IT Proficiencies